What Is Bariatric Surgery Procedures

Whilst eating regimen and exercise have not worked or when you have critical health problems due to your weight, then Bariatric surgery becomes a necessity for your body, hence the surgery is mainly for weight loss. There are different procedures for performing the surgery some procedures limit how much you can devour. Other processes paintings by way of lowering the body’s capacity to take in nutrients.

Bariatric surgery is not for everyone who is overweight. You may additionally want to fulfill certain clinical pointers to qualify for weight loss surgical operation. You probably may have an in depth screening procedure to peer if you qualify. You also have to be inclined to make everlasting adjustments to lead a fit life-style. The most common bariatric surgery procedures are gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, adjustable gastric band, and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. On a brighter side where each surgery is helpful in weight loss on the other side each form of surgery can pose serious risks and side effects.

In Gastric bypass surgical process the stomach is divided into a small upper pouch and a much larger lower “remnant” pouch and then the small intestine is rearranged to connect to each of them, the small intestine segment usually absorb calories and nutrients that no longer has food going through it, there is probably to some degree much less absorption of energy. Looking at the benefits, technically the surgery produces long term weight around 50% weight loss by restricting the amount of food that can be consumed.

Sleeve Gastrectomy, also called Sleeve the procedure which induces the weight loss by restricting the food intake. Normally the Sleeve procedure is performed by removing the 80% of the stomach, this results in stomach taking the shape of tube or sleeve that resembles the banana which holds less food. The benefit of this surgery is that it doesn’t requires any foreign objects nor any bypass or re-routing of the food stream, but the fact that the process is irreversible puts a person in great risk as the process also has potential for greater vitamin deficiencies.

The third procedure, Adjustable Gastric Band also called a lap-band. In this procedure an inflatable band that is a silicone device is placed around the upper portion of stomach creating a small stomach pouch above the band which is intended to reduce the food consumption. The procedure is healthy as it involves no cutting of stomach and is also irreversible, so the risk is lowest among all procedures. But the band can have mechanical problems as it requires foreign equipment to remain in the body.

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS) Gastric Bypass, in this procedure the size of the stomach is changed with the length of the small intestine. Like sleeve gastrectomy pouch is created by removing the portion of stomach then a portion of intestine is bypassed. The weight loss is greater of all other three procedures which is around 60-70%. Further the effectiveness against diabetes is also greatest compared to other three. But the risk is also high in this procedure and can also cause protein deficiencies. Reports also say that it requires a longer stay in hospital than Adjustable Gastric Band or Sleeve Gastrectomy.

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