It is unfortunate that currently, there is no cure for depression, which means healthcare professionals have to treat the different symptoms so that they can be successfully managed. If you or someone you know is suffering from clinical depression, you should not be demotivated by the absence of a complete cure for depression, because there are several medical, therapeutic, holistic and alternative treatments.
It is important to remember that depression is a common mood disorder and researchers are working to understand its causes and developing a cure. People of all ages, genders and races can be affected by depression, and it is not a weakness or a character flaw. Depression is real, so are its symptoms and its physical and psychological effects.
Every year nearly 2 million individuals in the US alone suffer from a depressive episode. Those who seek professional help and get a proper diagnosis can be treated through a single or combination of treatments to not only reduce the severity of the signs and symptoms but also efficaciously achieve remission.
It is common for your doctors to prescribe antidepressant medications for people who are suffering from a severe case of depression with moderate to severe depression symptoms. The type of treatment your doctor adopts to treat your depression will depend heavily on your diagnosis, which is why it is essential to seek professional help and avoid self-assessment and self-medication. Although antidepressants are a common treatment, it is not the first treatment choice. Your doctor will usually opt for other, less invasive procedures or psychological therapy.
The symptoms of depression manifest differently in different people, which is why there isn’t a single medication or therapy that is proven to address all symptoms and work for every depression patient. Therefore, healthcare professionals in the Bronx usually use a combination of depression treatments for each case. The combination of treatments may include medications, psychological therapy sessions, and lifestyle changes such as regular exercise and a better diet.
If a depression treatment is not working for you and is not helping you address and manage your symptoms, then it is best to talk to your doctor to work out a new treatment plan. Don’t be afraid to look for doctors that suit you because the right mental healthcare professional for you will be willing to work together to design your treatment plan.
Another treatment option that has proven to be extremely effective is psychological treatments, also known as talk therapies. Talk therapy is usually the first recommended treatment for most depression patients.
Other types of psychological therapies that are non-invasive and are effective for treating depression can also be a viable option; you should talk to your doctor and discuss alternatives that will be useful for you. Alterative psychological therapies include Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Interpersonal therapy (IPT), etc.
Mental health professionals also recommend various natural depression treatments that help works in conjunction with medications and talk therapies. The natural treatments include behavioral change, lifestyle change, routine change, diet change, getting enough sleep, including physical activity (regular exercise), involving in healthy activities, avoiding drugs and alcohol, and finding a better support system.