Days can be stressful, work can be worrisome, your sanity can get affected and there is no shame in accepting it. Recognizing that something is bothering you and getting professional medical help is the right thing to do. To help cope with the unpleasant feelings, some people turn to their pets as a source of affection and comfort. A devoted emotional support animal can help you navigate through the struggles that arise from your mental conditions. If you are suffering from a mental disability, then qualifying for a support animal is always a viable and beneficial option for betterment.
Any disabilities from mild to severe illnesses qualify as a valid reason to have an ESA. Phobias, depression, anxiety, PTSD and panic attacks can be a valid excuse to get an ESA recommendation from a mental health professional. To get an ESA, you have to consult with your doctor who will see if you have a mental condition. He will decide if an emotional support animal would help the symptoms of your condition or not. The America Disabilities Act (ADA) does not consider service and support animals to be interchangeable. Therefore, support and service animals do not have the same rights and privileges. Service animals may be allowed in places where support animals are not – like stores and restaurants. However, an ESA can accompany its owner according to federal laws ACCA and fair housing Act. Even if the building has a no pet policy, your ESA can accompany you.
You can find the most affectionate and gentle animal for you at any shelter or rescue organization before or after which you can legitimately apply for an ESA letter. Any breed can potentially make a very supportive companion. People often go for a small dog as their support animal as they need lesser space and are less costly.
Here is a very important point that some people think that certifying your animal is the same as getting an ESA letter. Certifications are meaningless when it comes to getting an ESA recommendation for your pet. The distinction between certifying and getting an ESA letter for your animal needs to be understood. There is no certification program that legally qualifies an animal as an ESA. The only way to sign up for an ESA is to get an Emotional support recommendation from your mental health professional.
Keep in mind that an online platform might be a good source to connect to a mental health professional. There are scammers too that have many ways of getting you a fake recommendation letter. Do not be too pushy with your therapist or psychologist and respect their practice and qualification. Do not end the therapy session on a bad note if the therapist is reluctant to give you an ESA letter. Wait a little more and bring up the idea some time later instead of approaching online frauds and scammers.
In conclusion, there are five easy steps to signing up for an ESA
- Understand your need for a support animal
- Connect with a licensed mental health professional
- Share your experience and symptoms with the therapist
- Get the document(s) ready
- Adopt an ESA or make your pet serve as one