There is a reason why everyone cannot become a qualified doctor. It takes years of extensive education, hundreds of hours of practical work, and meticulous research to be made worthy of this title. But we still have people who choose to trust their instincts over the advice of a seasoned professional. This never ends well.
Why You Must Consult a Doctor?
Self-medication and trying to counter specific side effects that may have been caused by particular allopathic medicine is very common among people, but it should not be.
If only the people knew the horrors of ingesting medicine without proper guidance and prescription of a certified doctor, they would cease to indulge in it altogether.
All medicines have certain side effects that are usually uncommon. These uncommon side effects may significantly impact people with specific underlying health issues or physiological makeup.
When you go to a physician for any problem, first and foremost, take your history. This history helps them uncover any health concerns that may react to certain medications. For example, allergic reactions are common side effects of any medicine. If the patient gives their proper history, the doctor will know which medicine may flare up a reaction in the patient’s body and which will not.
Keeping all these things in mind, the doctor makes out a prescription to the patient, which does not cause any side effects in the majority of cases.
On the other hand, self-medication is impulsive, dangerous, and lacks any kind of awareness about underlying health concerns. In addition, the person either taking medicine or prescribing it to someone will have zero knowledge of the chemical makeup of the medicine and how it may react with the patient’s body.
We often face side effects of medicines that we buy over the counter, without the prescription of any professional. Once we face side effects, we either make a bigger mistake by finding home remedies for these side effects, or we rush to the emergency room due to our own negligence.
But just so we are clear, medicines prescribed by the doctors may also negatively react with the patient’s body. Therefore, it is never a 100% guarantee that one or more of the side effects listed on the pamphlet given inside the medicine packaging will not occur in a patient.
However, the positive aspect here is that firstly, the doctor will clearly describe what side effects are most commonly faced by people who are using that drug. And secondly, how to safely mediate the side effects, if they do tend to occur. The patient, in this case, will be totally in control of the situation, will know what to expect, and won’t have to make a panicked run to the ER.
The Takeaway
Always discuss the drugs you are about to take with your medical practitioner. Better yet, let the doctor make the prescription for you, after keeping all variables in mind.
It is never a good idea to self-medicate. You may end up feeling a lot worse than when you started, or be able to treat one ailment just to develop another as a reaction to the wrong medicine.
At Alquimedez Mental Health Counselling, we reiterate the importance of consulting medical professionals or doctors before starting any medicine to be aware of its side effects. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.