CVLT-C the California Verbal Learning Test—Children’s Version

The California Verbal Learning Test-Children’s Version (CVLT-C) is one of the most widely used assessment tools in the USA which integrates a comparatively new approach to experimental psychology. It is considered a standardized test that is administered on children between the age brackets of 5-16.11 years.

It allows the clinicians to assess various aspects of children’s verbal memory. Also, it also measures the way children and adolescents learn verbally. CVLT-C reviews periodic verbal learning and memory, which exhibits sensitivity to an assortment of medical conditions. The psychometric test does this by trying to associate memory deficits with weakened performance on particular tasks.

In comparison to other learning tests, this one is mostly considered to be more sensitive. It is partly because the screening process is designed to not only gauge the way an individual learns but also pick up on the strategies one employs while learning. Moreover, it also picks up on the type of errors the individual makes while performing the test.

The CVLT-C computes free and cued recall, intrusions, semantic clustering, serial position effects (comprising of primacy and recency), interference and recognition. In short, this test determines long-term recall abilities and learning methods for verbal information. It applies the progression technique to capture information regarding the speed of learning, short- and long-term information retention and retrieval, intrusion effects, recall errors, the capability to make use of cues to perk up recall, and learning approach.

The assessment comprises of five learning trials, each consisting of 15 words that can be organized into three semantic groups. The administrator speaks the words out loud at one-second intervals in a predetermined order. After each trial, the participant is asked to recall the words in any order (free recall).

In the additional trials, an interference list is introduced. This list includes two unshared categories so that the intrusion can be caused. To examine the short delay, the participant is asked to utilize free and cued recall instantaneously. After 20 minutes, they are asked to recall the list again to look at the long delay results. For cued recall, the experimenter hints the participant with the word category.

The CVLT–C assists in recognizing deficient learning strategies and build-ups suitable remediation programs. The Standard Form can be directed in 20 minutes, adding a 20-minute delay.

The results from this evaluation can offer considerable information about the child especially associated with his/her learning challenges, personalities, and learning difficulties. For instance, if a participant experiences test anxiety, then they will perform poorly in the initial trial. However, their performance will drastically improve when the assessment is repeated.

An assortment of discoveries can be made using this psychometric method. CVLT-C is utilized by the clinicians to assist individuals to assess clients who have been diagnosed with several disorders and diseases. These incorporate traumatic brain injury (TBI), dementia, schizophrenia, ADHD, or neurological disorders. It shows a significantly lower recall by examining children with diverse neuropsychological impairments; while offering a solution.

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