Owning an ESA is a huge responsibility whether it is a dog, cat, rabbit or even a small bird. It is not just about the money you buy your pet for, there is a whole heap of expenses of pet parenthood. So, you should know that if you are bringing an emotional support animal to your house or travels, you are responsible for its expenses.
The costs of pet ownership depend upon the type of animal you choose as an ESA. Apart from the recurring expenses, there are medical expenses too that owners do not count while adopting a support animal. So, the expenses are a monumental thing to consider while choosing an ESA.
If you choose to be a pet parent to a dog, then its expenses vary with the size of your dog. The average life expectancy is about fourteen years and annually it would cost around $800 that includes all the food, grooming, veterinary, medical, maintenance and other expenses. Talking about a medium size dog with an average life expectancy of about eleven years. There total life time cost is greater than small dogs despite the fact that they have about three years less life expectancy than small dogs, but they eat more and greater portions at once. Hence, their maintenance and grooming is more expensive. If a small dog’s feeding cost is $150 annually, then an average sized dog’s feed would be around $250 a year. Likewise, the annual expense of an average sized dog is around $1,100. While a big dog is the most expensive to accommodate, its life expectancy is ten years and it costs about $1,500 annually.
A more feasible option is to own a low maintenance pet like a cat, fish, rabbit, bird or cockatoo. These animals are obviously less expensive, but no animal can be more loving and responsive than a dog. But speaking with reference to costs, a cat is very cost efficient, it has a life span of about 15 years and costs you only $640 approximately in a year. Rabbits are a little bit high maintenance with annual expenses of around $870. Their average life expectancy is ten years. Expenses of a guinea pig are $645. They live for about five years on an average. Fish are very low maintenance, though you do not feel the sense of being connected to them as much, but they are the most cost efficient among all animals that can be made an ESA. Its annual expense is around $185 worth life expectancy of 10 years. So, is the case with birds. They cost about $170 a year with an average life expectancy of 10 years.
Choosing your ESA according to your finances is monumental because poor finances would only add to the symptoms of your disorders no matter how much your furry animal comforts you. Go for an affordable ESA for yourself. Keep in mind that apart from the initial cost that you are paying for your pet, there is a slew of veterinary and medical expenses after that too.