Asking For and Accepting Help Saved Me

When we talk about things like depression and anxiety, and other mental health issues, we can never comprehend the magnitude of how crippling these conditions can be. You do not feel like getting out of your bed, forget showering for days, or even eating at times.

We understand how disheartening it is to go over the same thing repeatedly, even though you never want to—feeling caved in, not yourself, lost, and just disconnected. But, unfortunately, mental health is as real as it can get, and there is no easy way to fix it overnight.

Alquimedez Mental Health Counseling is here to let every individual suffering from mental health issues know that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and no matter how difficult it seems at this point – you can overcome your fears.

Let’s discuss what you can do to bring a change in your mental health so that you can go back to being your authentic self.

Asking for Help

When someone is suffering from a mental health problem, they may feel embarrassed to disclose it. They don’t want to be labeled as insane or any other derogatory term; therefore, they believe it’s pointless to seek assistance since it would just worsen their mental state.

While asking for help may seem difficult, it may benefit you in a variety of ways. We’re not asking you to make it a point of conversation; simply tell your immediate family or a trusted friend and discuss it. Once you’ve done that, you’ll realize that your loved ones are eager to help and want you to overcome any mental health issues you may be facing.

Look for expert therapists who can assist you get out of your exhausted state if you don’t feel comfortable revealing it, even with a close friend. There is no shame in asking for and accepting help; it is OK to go through what you are going through; but, do not sit on it and allow the situation to worsen. Instead, actively fight to overcome it; you never know, you could succeed sooner than you think.

Accepting Help

Once you have realized that you need help and have built up the courage to seek it, it is going to be equally challenging to make it a routine and take consultation by having one-on-one therapist sessions. There may be days when you do not feel like going; you may ignore your therapist’s calls and just stay in.

This is where you need to step out of your comfort zone and remind yourself WHY you are looking for help. If you regularly follow a schedule, you will feel a sense of achievement that will further help you get back on track.

The Takeaway

Asking for and accepting help go hand in hand, and it may be the ray of hope that you have not been able to see up until this point.

Suppose you are looking for a professional therapist – in that case, Alquimedez Mental Health Counseling has an expert team on board that will actively work with you by making a tailored schedule that you are comfortable with.

We don’t treat patients as a job requirement; we want to understand your mental health and help you in the best possible manner.

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