TMS is a non-invasive method that utilizes magnetic pulses to stimulate brain cells that control the human mood. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) devices are always operated externally on the body or the head. TMS is an effective treatment for depression as the powerful magnetic pulses target specific brain areas that are linked with causing depression symptoms. TMS is considered to be a completely safe treatment because it does not require anaesthesia. The patients do not usually face any severe side effects, and the mild side effects subside with time. Common side effects include headache, light-headedness, and muscle tingling that most of the patients during and/or after the treatment. Patients with head injury or neurologic issues might experience severe side effects, including seizures.
How Effective Is TMS?
There is still no proper evidence on a large scale that would prove whether or not TMS is effective. However, TMS treatment is a big leap towards prospect treatments for depression, especially for patients that have tried all the other depression treatments, including both medications and talk therapy. Approximately 50-60% depression patients that do not respond successfully to other treatments respond to TMS.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation gives hope to depression patients because about one-third of the people that go through the TMS treatment find the complete cure to their depression symptoms. However, the relapse rate of TMS treatment is also a major issue. Many patients that find relief from depression symptoms with TMS treatment have reported the recurrence of the symptoms, especially symptoms related to mood disorders. The average reported length of TMS treatment response is approximately a year. Patients usually have to come back for recommended rounds of treatment if the symptoms relapse.
What To Expect From The TMS Therapy?
According to the people who received the TMS therapy and health provides, TMS is an entirely safe treatment that does not involve any major pain during the procedure (some patients might experience a headache), the therapy is not also too lengthy; each session is about 20-50 mins long. However, the duration of the treatment depends on what device is being used and how experienced is the Bronx health provider. Depression patients are recommended the number of sessions according to their mental health condition and symptoms. Usually, an intensive treatment involves repeated sessions for 4-5 days a week for several weeks to several months. Although there have been reported several cases that have noticed significant relief to depression symptoms; on the other hand, many have not experienced any improvement even after 4-5 consecutive sessions. Therefore, patients have to keep in mind all the possibilities before they opt for TMS treatment.
It only has been a decade since this treatment has been approved for treating depression patients; this is a significant reason why there are not many pieces of evidence that would help us conclude the response length, expected relapse time and treatment duration of the TMS therapy.