Is Depression A Serious Disease?

Depression is affecting people worldwide on a significant scale. However, mental illnesses, including depression, are considered taboo. People do not only avoid talking about it, but they also hesitate to get professional medical help. From young children to adults, anyone can be affected by depression. However, people on a broad scale are still unaware of depression, its severity, the health risks involved, and its possible treatment.

Should Depression Be Taken Seriously?
People that are suffering from depression are often criticized and discouraged to seek professional mental health assistance and treatment. This results in nothing but prevailing this serious mental illness. If the seriousness of depression had to be concluded in one sentence, then ‘Yes! Depression is a severe mental health condition that should be treated immediately because it can lead to suicidal thoughts and attempts’. The suicide death rate is alarming in the United States. Today, suicide stands as the 10th leading cause of death in the US, and among the three rising causes of death in the US.

Apart from attempts to killing yourself, an untreated clinical depression patient can also get involved in other risky behaviors that include drug and alcohol addiction. Depression patients can also face significant relationship issues, including both professional and personal relationships. Although depression patients require a strong support system to recover from their mental health condition, not every patient is lucky enough to receive strong emotional support that adds to the severity of the disease.

Due to unawareness and stigmas attached to clinical depression, people with depression are not taken seriously. They are often told to “pull themselves together” to “stop acting so depressed” to “be brave.” Until and unless depression patients do not receive proper medical treatment that may include both methods i.e., taking antidepressant medications and psychotherapy, and hospitalization in severe cases; the depression patients cannot possibly be cured.

Is Timely Medical Help Necessary?
The fact that depression requires timely and professional medical treatment cannot be denied if you suspect that you or anyone from your friends and family are showing common signs of depression. Get immediate professional medical help. There are many reputable mental health providers in the Bronx and all over America that can assess depression symptoms and offer the necessary medical treatment.

Depression is a severe mental health illness. According to statistics, 37% of adults that are suffering from depression in America do not receive any depression treatment. What makes the matter worse is the fact that the patient might not be able to suspect the symptoms. So, ensure that you are keeping a close eye on people around you because you might save someone’s life.

Untreated depression has taken thousands of lives. It is about time that we all should start understanding the severity of depression, talk about it on worldwide platforms, and give equal importance to the treatment of mental illnesses as other diseases.

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