Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a non-invasive therapy that is used to stimulate the portion of the brain that is linked with causing depression symptoms. TMS devices use magnetic pulses for brain stimulation; the magnetic pulses pass through the skull into the brain without causing any pain. TMS therapy is generally considered to be a safe treatment because it does not require any major preparation, there is no anesthesia required, the session duration is usually 20 mins to an hour, there are no major complications involved, and the side effects are near to zero. For these reasons, TMS is now being considered to treat other mental illnesses as well.
About TMS Treatment Sessions
TMS is usually the last option therapy for depression patients when there is no hope from other treatments that are generally opted by depression patients, including depression medications and psychological therapies. TMS is known as an intensive treatment that is offered by limited Bronx health providers. With TMS therapy, patients have to go through intense treatment sessions that usually last for weeks. Before the treatment sessions are suggested to the depression patients, their health provider will often through the patient’s treatment history and determine the ideal intensity of the stimulation procedure.
During the therapy, the health provider will target the portion of the brain that is linked with causing depression symptoms. ‘Motor Cortex’ is targeted during the treatment that helps in determining the best point where the stimulation coil should be located. The intensity of the treatment differs from patient to patient in order to achieve adequate stimulation. The result of TMS therapy depends on the experience of the doctor and the device that is being used. Often depression symptoms subside after a few repeated TMS therapy sessions only.
TMS Therapy For Other Health Conditions
Although there are more pieces of evidence of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) being effective for treating depression patients only. However, the effectiveness of TMS for other health conditions is in the research process. It is currently not easy to determine whether or not TMS is effective for treating other health conditions, but its effectiveness is being studied for treating neurological disorders and pain management.
Researchers in conjunction with health providers are also trying to determine whether pediatric depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, smoking cessation and other mental health issues can be effectively treated with TMS therapy or not; and even if TMS therapy is effective, how many sessions would the patient have to go through, what would be the intensity of the treatment, what would be the overall cost of the procedure and what are the relapse chances. There is a long way before we are sure about the future of the TMS treatment and whether it will stand its place as a successful treatment for treating not only depression patients but also patients that are suffering from other health problems and mental health issues.