Don’t hesitate to contact us today 315-505-2400


Alquimedez Mental Health Counseling

Dear Patient,

Patient Bill of Rights

At Alquimedez Mental Health Counseling, we are dedicated to ensuring that each patient receives the highest standard of care with respect for their rights and personal dignity. As a patient, you are entitled to the following rights:

  1. Right to Respectful Care:
    You have the right to receive safe, considerate, and respectful care, provided in a manner consistent with your cultural, spiritual, and personal beliefs. We strive to ensure that our services are sensitive to each individual’s unique needs.
  2. Right to Privacy and Confidentiality:
    You can expect that all communications and records related to your care will be treated with the highest level of confidentiality, in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Your personal health information will only be shared with authorized individuals or entities, and you have the right to know who has accessed your records. This includes telehealth services, where privacy and security are equally protected.
  3. Right to Information:
    You have the right to know the care professional responsible for coordinating your care. You are entitled to complete and clear information regarding your diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis from your healthcare provider. If it is deemed medically inadvisable to provide this information directly to you, it will be shared with your legally authorized representative.
  4. Right to Informed Consent:
    Before undergoing any procedure or treatment, you have the right to receive all the necessary information to make an informed decision. This includes a clear explanation of the treatment, potential risks and benefits, the likely duration of incapacitation (if applicable), and available alternatives. For telehealth or remote sessions, you will be informed about the technical requirements, any privacy risks, and the use of your data. Exceptions to informed consent are made in the case of emergencies.
  5. Right to Continuity of Care and Appointments:
    You have the right to know in advance what appointment times and healthcare providers are available, ensuring continuity of care. We will make all efforts to accommodate your preferred schedules for both in-person and telehealth services.
  6. Right to Pain Management:
    You have the right to receive appropriate assessment and management of pain associated with your mental or physical health conditions, ensuring that any discomfort is adequately addressed.
  7. Right to Refuse Treatment:
    You have the right to refuse any proposed treatment or to refuse participation in research, as permitted by law. You will be informed of the medical consequences of such refusal, including possible dismissal from a study or discharge from our care if it jeopardizes your health. If discharge would endanger your health, you have the right to remain under care until transfer or discharge is medically advisable.
  8. Right to Transfer and Referral:
    If your care at Alquimedez Mental Health Counseling ends, you have the right to be transferred to another facility. A medical summary will be sent to your referring physician, and you may designate additional healthcare providers to receive updates regarding your care.
  9. Right to Participate in Research Decisions:
    If you are participating in research, you have the right to be fully informed of any risks, benefits, and consequences related to your participation. Your rights and safety are our priority, and you are entitled to make informed decisions about continuing in the study.
  10. Right to Informed Health Decisions:
    You have the right to gather information about your health, ask questions about your treatment options, and make informed decisions, even if they differ from your provider’s recommendations. This includes making informed choices regarding telehealth, digital platforms, and any data collected through automated systems (e.g., chatbots, digital portals).
  11. Right to Access and Correct Your Records:
    In accordance with HIPAA, you have the right to access your medical records, request changes to incorrect information, and know who has viewed your records. This applies to all forms of records, including those stored digitally or through telehealth platforms.
  12. Protection Against Discrimination for Pre-existing Conditions:
    Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), you are protected from being denied health insurance or charged more due to pre-existing conditions. You have the right to mental health care and coverage, regardless of any prior diagnoses.
  13. Right to Digital and Telehealth Privacy:
    If receiving telehealth services, you have the right to clear information about the technology being used, the privacy of your sessions, and how your data is stored and protected. Your digital and communication rights are protected under HIPAA and other privacy laws.

Legal Protections for Patients

Federal andstate laws safeguard your rights as a patient. In addition to the protections provided by HIPAA and the ACA, the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) ensures that insurance providers must offer comparable coverage for mental health and substance abuse services. This law ensures that mental health care is treated with the same importance as physical health care in terms of insurance coverage.

At Alquimedez Mental Health Counseling, we uphold these laws and provide the support and information you need to make informed decisions about your care.

Suppose you have any questions or concerns about your rights. In that case, you may contact the Alquimedez Mental Health Counseling patient representative at or the Clinical Center’s patient representative at 315-505-2400 for additional information.